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Did you know that Rome was founded exactly 2.771 years ago? Yes, a considerable age – no wonder if it’s called Eternal. But we can say more. Rome was born exactly on April 21.

On April 21?

Ancient Roman historians paid close attention to study their city. They were the first to write about this date, coinciding with a religious spring festival, and used to number years from April 21, 753 BC. Moreover, Emperor Claudius was the first who celebrated this day as a national holiday, in 47 AD.

What about today?

Even if it’s not a national holiday anymore, there are a lot of things you and your travelers could do to enjoy this special day in Rome. For example, a parade complete with gladiators will take place in Circo Massimo area on Sunday 22.

Some moments of 2017 parade, by


So, here’s a list of some costume performances and themed events, organized between tomorrow and Sunday 22 of April. Think also that they all will take place in the stunning archaeological district around the Colosseum:

Wednesday 18

  • 2:30 – 7:00 pm: a conference about the ancient architect Apollodoro di Damasco, at the service of Emperors Trajan and Hadrian. Its suggestive venue will be the Mercati di Traiano, designed by the same Apollodoro, in Via dei Fori Imperiali.

Thursday 19

  • 2:30 – 7:00 pm: a conference about Emperor Hadrian and the Fall of Roman Empire. It will be in dedicated gazebos, built in the open-air archaeological area of Circo Massimo.

Friday 20

  • 9:00 am – 6:00 pm: Circo Massimo will host many different events, at different scheduled times: a photographic exhibition of the past editions of the festival, some workshops about life and people in the ancient Rome (school, medicine, food, religion, women, clothes, makeup, men, army, gladiators, children), children’s play, meeting with the Italian writers Marco Lucchetti, Flavio Russo, Andrea Biscaro, and then concerts and music performances.
  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: a costume ritual Pro Salute Et Felicitate Rei Publicae is scheduled at the suggestive island Isola Tiberina.
  • 3:30 – 4:30 pm: a costume symbolic coronation of the ancient goddess of the Eternal City, Dea Roma, will take place in the square Piazza del Campidoglio.


View of the Colosseum


Saturday 21

  • 9:00 am – 6:00 pm: Circo Massimo will host many different events, at different scheduled times: a photographic exhibition of the past editions of the festival, some workshops about life and people in the ancient Rome (school, medicine, food, religion, women, clothes, makeup, men, army, gladiators, children), children’s play, meeting with the Italian writers Massimiliano Colombo, Andrea Frediani, Stefano Crivelli, costume performances of mythological Roman tales (Tracciato del Solco, Orazi e Curiazi, Palilia), and then concerts and music performances.
  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: a costume ritual, the Adventus of Emperor Hadrian, will take place at Temple of Ercole.

Sunday 22

  • 9:00 am – 6:30 pm: Circo Massimo will host the photographic exhibition of the past editions of the festival.
  • 11:15 am: after its opening ceremony, a great costume parade will leave Circo Massimo. Then, it will reach the ruins of Teatro di Marcello, the square Piazza Venezia, the panoramic Via dei Fori Imperiali, the Colosseum and, finally, come back to Circo Massimo.
  • 12:15 pm: costume symbolic placement of a laurel wreath to the statue of Emperor Augustus in Via dei Fori Imperiali.
  • 3:00 – 6:30 pm: costume performances of religious rituals, ancient dances, gladiators fights. Finally, at 5:30 pm, you could watch the battle that induced Emperor Hadrian to build his wall in England.


You could also find the complete timetable on For all our guided tours and activities in Rome, instead, check our Catalogs!


Roman Forum at sunset


Video credits: Agenzia Videoreporter, via @Youtube.

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